Submission Guidelines

  1. Virtual Hive is exclusively for technology companies supplying to the broadcast, film and video domain.
  2. We recommend blogs of 500 words – make it educational not just a straight product pitch. Solve a problem or a case study or some interesting news. Make it educational and compelling.
  3. Announcing new non-celebrity people in your company is not interesting news. Trust me.
  4. We recommend to include up to 3 – 5 themed keyword back word links for your SEO strategy. Use Virtual Hive free-of-charge as part of your Digital Marketing and Content Writing Strategy.
  5. Rain Dance can provide free recommendations on themed backlinks.
  6. Clickbait titles are interesting!
  7. On registering you will receive an email to confirm your login details.
  8. On managing your account it will look and feel like a WordPress account when you log in. That is because it is WordPress. It should be intuitive and easy to use your content. Any issues please email us.
  9. We have the right to remove any posts and comments without notice, warning or explanation.
  10. We do not tolerate abuse, racism, trolling, homophobia, sexism or generally any uncivilized behavior. You know! Let’s keep this community nice!