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- Virtual Hive is exclusively for technology companies supplying to the broadcast, film and video domain.
- We recommend blogs of 500 words – make it educational not just a straight product pitch. Solve a problem or a case study or some interesting news. Make it educational and compelling.
- Announcing new non-celebrity people in your company is not interesting news. Trust me.
- We recommend to include up to 3 – 5 themed keyword back word links for your SEO strategy. Use Virtual Hive free-of-charge as part of your Digital Marketing and Content Writing Strategy.
- Rain Dance can provide free recommendations on themed backlinks.
- Clickbait titles are interesting!
- On registering you will receive an email to confirm your login details.
- On managing your account it will look and feel like a WordPress account when you log in. That is because it is WordPress. It should be intuitive and easy to use your content. Any issues please email us.
- We have the right to remove any posts and comments without notice, warning or explanation.
- We do not tolerate abuse, racism, trolling, homophobia, sexism or generally any uncivilized behavior. You know! Let’s keep this community nice!